Pubg Mobile India version Realeasing On Date 1st December 2020 || Is it possible or not? || How it will be Realesed on 1st December ?

Pubg Mobile India version Realeasing On Date 1st December 2020 || Is it possible or not? || How it will be Realesed on 1st December ?
Pubg Mobile India version Realeasing On Date 1st December 2020 || Is it possible or not? || How it will be Realesed on 1st December ?
#Entertainment #Sports #Lifestyle #Technology #World #Business #PUBG Mobile India #UNBANPUBG #Pubg unban update in India #gaming community .#youtube pubg
Many Rumors are spreading in Gaming community about the Pubg that it will be available for download in Playstore on date 20th November 2020 but it doesn't seem to be available.
Once again a new date comes across that it has be realesed on 1st December and it's trailer may be coming within a week.
Many YouTube content creators are spreading many fake news that it was supposed to come on 14th November then it may be come on 20th November and now again a possible date comes out in front of us that it will be available on Playstore on 1st December 2020. As it is also covered by some YouTube content creators.


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