Pubg Corporation not realesed trailer || YouTube content creators Ocean Sharma and Kronten Rumors || Realese date
Pubg Corporation not realesed trailer || YouTube content creators Ocean Sharma and Kronten Rumors || Realese date
Pubg Corporation not realesed trailer 2020.
#Entertainment #Sports #Lifestyle #Business #Technology #PUBG Game Ban #Pubg Mobile #PUBG Mobile Announces India Return .#PUBG Mobile India #Android #ios .#Iphon12 #Pubg Lover .
As we all know that today on 20th November 2020 the Pubg game trailer and download in Playstore was going to be available but Pubg Corporation had not launch anything regarding to it's coming.
#Entertainment #Sports #Lifestyle #Business #Technology #PUBG Game Ban #Pubg Mobile #PUBG Mobile Announces India Return .#PUBG Mobile India #Android #ios .#Iphon12 #Pubg Lover .
As we all know that today on 20th November 2020 the Pubg game trailer and download in Playstore was going to be available but Pubg Corporation had not launch anything regarding to it's coming.
But many people are asking to several Youtubers about it's Realese date and all Youtubers are not able to answer about it anymore as the date itself gone.
The hot news coming out about Kronten and Ocean Sharma that they got arrested for the spreading of Pubg false rumors. But it is clearly told by Kronten on his today Livestream on Youtube that this all is fake news. Those who spread such false rumors they will face the consequences. So don't spread such rumors. Still the Date of Pubg Mobile India version is being the mystery for all of us.
But it is possible that Pubg Mobile India version will be available soon may be till 1st December 2020. Let's hope it may come early as soon as possible.
The hot news coming out about Kronten and Ocean Sharma that they got arrested for the spreading of Pubg false rumors. But it is clearly told by Kronten on his today Livestream on Youtube that this all is fake news. Those who spread such false rumors they will face the consequences. So don't spread such rumors. Still the Date of Pubg Mobile India version is being the mystery for all of us.
But it is possible that Pubg Mobile India version will be available soon may be till 1st December 2020. Let's hope it may come early as soon as possible.
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